
Thursday, December 3, 2009

What we've been up to

Well since I last wrote, Ben was sick with a cold/strep throat.

Then the mom, ME, who is NEVER to get sick...well I did. And it was a big one. For 8 days, I was down and out. This eight day timeframe included two trips to the hospitial for I.V.'s/fluids, anti-nausia meds, morphine for pain, and then some other med for pain. All my bloodwork was normal, but I was one sick mommy. (And no I'm not pregnant...for all those who are skeptic.) Jay Dee said he'd never seen me so sick and he didn't ever want me to be that way again. After further thinking and talking with friends, I think I've come up with a diagnosis....E. Coli. Or some form of food poisoning. It was nasty and I hope I never have it again. And here's the sad thing, I think I figured out where I got it. From sauerkraut. It is the one thing that I love that the rest of the family, especially Jay Dee, can't stand. So during harvest I always make sure I have some. Well it was the last day of harvest (the thursday before I got sick on friday), and I remembered that I had had my dose of sauerkraut yet. So I pulled out a can for lunch along with a hotdog. I thought it tasted different, but figured it was the hotdogs because we had changed brands. Well it wasn't now that I think back. I KNOW it was the sauerkraut. And that's a big bummer for me. Not sure I'll ever be able to eat it again.

And now, both the kids are sick. They both have coughs and fevers. We're headed to the clinic today to try and figure out what's going on. I think its just the good ol' winter cold, but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! That sounds AWFUL. So glad you're feeling better. Hope the kids feel better soon! Tell them they aren't allowed to get sick over Christmas when we visit! :)
