
Monday, January 11, 2010

A Snowed In Christmas

After spending Christmas Eve day with Jay Dee's family at the farm, we attempted to come home during some really bad blowing snow. Not sure if it was the best decision we ever made, but we figured it would be nice to be home Christmas morning. And we couldn't figure out how to explain to Ben that Santa forgot to come to Grandma's, if we would have stayed there for the night.

So we made it home and got everyone all snug in their beds, and attempted to fall asleep listening to the howling 40 mph winds. We woke up on Christmas morning to find that we were indeed snowed in! Somehow though, Santa and his reindeer did manage to find our house. I'm guessing Rudolph and his bright red nose helped out a bit. The kids were extremely excited to see what Santa brought. Especially Ben. And he got exactly what he wanted...a Kerplunk game and a Toy Story coloring book. Maddie got a new stroller to go with her new baby. Then we had a great time of opening gifts for and from each other. Ben would open so fast and then ask where the next one was. Madalyn really got into opening too. Actually once she took a present from under the tree and opened it and luckily it just happened to be for her.

This is Ben showing Daddy all the pictures he had drawn on the wrapping paper for him.

And now for why we stayed inside for the next 2 days! This is a view of our driveway. Yes, our driveway is somewhere amongst all that snow. When it was all over, the drifts were 6 feet high just in the driveway.

The front of our house. You can see the windows were pelted with snow.

And this is looking across the street at the clinic and hospital. At times it was blowing so hard, we couldn't even see the clinic.

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