
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The day FINALLY arrived!

Not sure who was more excited, Ben or his Mom! Actually, Mom was excited that Ben was getting some much-needed time away from Mom. Today Ben started Preschool at Bethesda. I still can't believe he's that old. Next it will be Kindergarten, and then all of a sudden, he'll be off to college. He was so ready this morning that by 8:30 he had already gotten dressed, eaten breakfast, and brushed his teeth. These things usually take up until 10 to do! I think about every 15 minutes he'd ask if it was 10:30 yet. That's what time he had to be at preschool. Of course, I had to do the typical "first day of school" photos. Ben was pretty pumped about it.
I loaded 3 little ones into the wagon and we walked Ben to preschool. Jay Dee even made it home in time to help us and to watch Ben go to preschool. I think Ben was pretty happy that his Daddy came with him. This is a picture of Ben with his teacher, Gina Mestl. We're looking forward to getting to know her better through preschool.

The only thing Ben was upset about was when I picked him up. He had it in his head that he was going to get to walk home by himself, like the "big kids" do after school to our house. Why does he think he needs to grow up so fast?

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking the other day about how LITTLE Ben was when he was born and holding him all of the time that Christmas. And I remember thinking, "Someday this littl boy is going to have a personality and throw tantrums and go to school and have his own little life!" And then I remember not believing my own thoughts. But here's proof already! I'm not sure I'm ready for this... he looks too grown up! :(
    BUT I'm glad he's loving preschool. I knew he would. :)
